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Cultural Significance of Lacquerware in China

Feb 04, 2024


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At Oriental Aesthetics, we take immense pride in exploring the profound world of classical Oriental art. One of the most exquisite and culturally significant art forms that have captivated the world for centuries is Chinese lacquerware. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the rich history, artistic intricacies, and enduring cultural significance of lacquerware in China.

The Origins of Chinese Lacquerware

Chinese lacquerware boasts a heritage that stretches back for millennia, tracing its roots to the ancient Neolithic period. Its storied history is deeply intertwined with the cultural tapestry of China, making it a treasure trove of artistic expression and craftsmanship.

At the heart of lacquerware production lies the unique and precious sap obtained from the lacquer tree, scientifically known as Toxicodendron vernicifluum. This tree, indigenous to China, plays a pivotal role in the creation of lacquerware. The sap, aptly named lacquer, is extracted with utmost care and expertise.

The process of crafting lacquerware is a meticulous one, requiring an exceptional level of skill and attention to detail. The lacquer is painstakingly applied in multiple layers to a variety of objects, and each layer undergoes a rigorous process of drying and polishing. This labor-intensive approach results in a lustrous and exceptionally durable finish.

The brilliance of Chinese lacquerware extends beyond mere aesthetics; it possesses the remarkable ability to preserve objects for generations to come. The application of lacquer not only enhances the visual appeal of these objects but also acts as a protective shield, safeguarding them from the passage of time.



# Lacquer


# Year of the Dragon

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The Artistic Craftsmanship

The creation of Chinese lacquerware is a labor-intensive and highly skilled process that embodies centuries of tradition and expertise. Artisans embark on a meticulous journey to craft these exquisite pieces, starting with the careful harvesting of lacquer sap. Extracted from the lacquer tree, this sap undergoes a complex refining process to ensure its quality and purity.

Once the refined lacquer is ready, it is applied in multiple layers to the chosen object, whether it be a box, vase, or intricate screen. Each layer is applied with painstaking precision, and between each application, the lacquer must be allowed to dry thoroughly. This drying process is not rushed, as patience is a key virtue in lacquerware creation. After each layer dries, the surface is meticulously polished, revealing a lustrous finish that is both durable and visually stunning.

However, what truly sets Chinese lacquerware apart is the extraordinary artistry that accompanies this meticulous process. Talented artists employ a variety of techniques, including inlaying, carving, painting, and gilding, to transform the lacquered surface into a canvas of intricate designs and motifs.

Inlaying involves the delicate placement of materials like mother-of-pearl, jade, or precious metals into the lacquer to create stunning patterns and textures. Carving allows artisans to sculpt intricate scenes or figures directly into the lacquer, adding depth and dimension to the piece. Painting on lacquerware requires exceptional skill, as the artists use pigments made from minerals and natural sources to produce vibrant and enduring colors. Gilding, the application of gold or silver leaf, imparts an opulent and luxurious touch to the artwork.

The culmination of these techniques results in a harmonious blend of art and craftsmanship that elevates Chinese lacquerware to a level of unparalleled beauty. Each piece becomes a masterpiece, a testament to the dedication and skill of the artisans who bring these works of art to life.

Lacquerware in Chinese Culture

Lacquerware holds a unique and cherished place in the heart of Chinese culture, a legacy that has transcended the centuries. Its multifaceted utility and ornate beauty have made it an integral part of Chinese life, serving a range of purposes that span from the imperial courts to everyday households.

1. Imperial Treasures:
Chinese emperors and the nobility esteemed lacquerware as emblems of opulence and refinement. Within the opulent walls of imperial palaces, these exquisite lacquer pieces held a prominent role. They graced the royal banquets as vessels for serving sumptuous feasts, preserving the culinary delights in an artful manner. They also served as repositories for precious treasures, safeguarding the empire's most valuable possessions. The intricate lacquer treasures, adorned with intricate designs, not only showcased the grandeur of the ruling class but also symbolized their sophisticated taste and extravagant lifestyle.

2. Ritual and Religious Objects:
In the realm of ancient Chinese religious and ritual practices, lacquerware held profound significance. Elaborate lacquer vessels took center stage in the offerings made to gods and ancestors, playing a vital role in bridging the spiritual and earthly realms. These vessels were meticulously crafted with intricate designs, often featuring symbols and motifs associated with auspiciousness and reverence. They became conduits for conveying prayers and respect to the divine, fostering a deep connection between the mortal world and the sacred.

3. Everyday Use:
Beyond the grandeur of imperial courts and the sanctity of temples, lacquerware permeated the daily lives of common people. Its remarkable durability and exquisite aesthetics made it an indispensable part of Chinese households. Lacquerware served a multitude of functions in everyday life, from storing food and preserving its freshness to serving meals in an elegant manner. These versatile pieces also functioned as containers for various goods, aiding in organization and storage. The beauty of lacquerware extended beyond its practicality; it elevated ordinary moments, adding a touch of artistry to the routines of daily existence.

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Symbolism and Cultural Significance

Chinese lacquerware transcends mere artistic beauty; it serves as a profound repository of symbolism and cultural significance deeply ingrained in Chinese history and traditions. Within this magnificent art form, the colors and motifs employed are laden with profound meanings that resonate through the ages.

1. Red and Black: These two hues stand as pillars of traditional Chinese lacquerware, with each color carrying its own unique significance. The color red embodies happiness, prosperity, and good fortune, making it an essential component of lacquerware design. When red is incorporated into lacquerware, it infuses the piece with an aura of positivity and blessings. Conversely, black signifies protection and acts as a guardian against malevolent spirits. Together, the harmonious union of red and black within lacquerware creates a powerful symbol of auspiciousness and well-being that has graced Chinese homes and palaces for centuries.
2. Nature and Mythology: Chinese lacquerware draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of nature and mythology that permeates Chinese culture. Within its intricate designs, one can often find symbols such as dragons, phoenixes, lotus flowers, and auspicious clouds. These motifs hold profound meaning, as they are believed to bestow upon the owner a sense of harmony, longevity, and success. The dragon, symbolizing power and strength, is often associated with the Emperor, while the phoenix represents beauty, grace, and renewal. The lotus flower, with its ability to bloom amidst adversity, symbolizes purity and enlightenment. Auspicious clouds, in their ever-changing forms, bring good fortune and blessings.

Incorporating these motifs into lacquerware not only enhances its visual appeal but also connects the piece to the deep-seated beliefs and values of Chinese culture. Owners of lacquerware adorned with these symbols carry with them the rich tapestry of Chinese mythology, bridging the gap between art and spirituality.

Preservation and Conservation

Preserving Chinese lacquerware stands as a paramount mission for Oriental Aesthetics, echoing the sentiments of countless classical Oriental art enthusiasts around the globe. The delicate nature of lacquer, characterized by its inherent vulnerability to external factors, underscores the urgency of adopting rigorous conservation practices.

Lacquerware, with its intricate layers of carefully applied lacquer, can be greatly affected by exposure to light, humidity, and temperature fluctuations. Prolonged exposure to harsh light can cause the colors to fade and the lacquer to deteriorate, robbing these masterpieces of their original vibrancy. High humidity levels can lead to warping and cracking, while extreme temperature fluctuations can cause the lacquer to expand and contract, leading to structural damage.

To safeguard the longevity of these exquisite pieces, Oriental Aesthetics advocates for the meticulous application of proper storage and conservation techniques. This involves controlling the environmental conditions in which lacquerware is displayed or stored. The use of UV-protective glass, climate-controlled display cases, and maintaining stable humidity and temperature levels are paramount in preserving these delicate works of art.

In contemporary times, the allure of Chinese lacquerware remains undiminished, captivating collectors, artists, and enthusiasts across the world. Its enduring cultural significance and timeless aesthetic appeal have transcended centuries, solidifying its position as a highly sought-after art form. Collectors, in particular, prize antique lacquerware, recognizing the historical and artistic value encapsulated within each piece.

However, the story of Chinese lacquerware doesn't stop with antiquity. Contemporary artists are continuously exploring innovative ways to incorporate lacquer into modern art forms, pushing the boundaries of tradition while paying homage to the rich heritage of this craft. The marriage of ancient techniques with contemporary creativity results in captivating artworks that bridge the gap between the past and the present, ensuring that the legacy of Chinese lacquerware continues to evolve and thrive in today's ever-changing artistic landscape.

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Ming Dynasty Vermilion Lacquer Double Deer-listening Dharma Wheel Offering Vessel Gilt Copper Tibetan Accessory Xiaodeng Temple Pure Tibetan
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Ming Dynasty Vermilion Lacquer Double Deer-listening Dharma Wheel Offering Vessel Gilt Copper Tibetan Accessory Xiaodeng Temple Pure Tibetan
Ming Dynasty Vermilion Lacquer Double Deer-listening Dharma Wheel Offering Vessel Gilt Copper Tibetan Accessory Xiaodeng Temple Pure Tibetan
Ming Dynasty Vermilion Lacquer Double Deer-listening Dharma Wheel Offering Vessel Gilt Copper Tibetan Accessory Xiaodeng Temple Pure Tibetan
Ming Dynasty Vermilion Lacquer Double Deer-listening Dharma Wheel Offering Vessel Gilt Copper Tibetan Accessory Xiaodeng Temple Pure Tibetan

Ming Dynasty Vermilion Lacquer Double Deer-listening Dharma Wheel Offering Vessel Gilt Copper Tibetan Accessory Xiaodeng Temple

Six Arms Mahakala Black Gold Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Six Arms Mahakala Black Gold Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Six Arms Mahakala Black Gold Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Qing Qianlong Style Porcelain Blue and White Five-Dragon Plate  Chinese Imperial Court Gift Oriental Aesthetics
Six Arms Mahakala Black Gold Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Six Arms Mahakala Black Gold Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Twenty-Six-Armed Avalokitesvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Water Moon Guanyin Avalokiteshvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Avalokiteshvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Avalokiteshvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Avalokiteshvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Water Moon Guanyin Tibetan Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Water Moon Guanyin Avalokiteshvara Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Five Jambhala Series White Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Five Jambhala Series Black Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Five Jambhala Series Yellow Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Five Jambhala Series Green Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics
Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Natural Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship Oriental Aesthetics

Five Jambhala Series Red Jambhala Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts

Longevity Buddha Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Longevity Buddha Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Longevity Buddha Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Longevity Buddha Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics
Anju Chart Natural Lacquer Carved Lacquer Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Craftsmanship 的副本 Oriental Aesthetics

Longevity Buddha Tibetan Style Hanging Screen Natural Carved lacquerware Eight Wonders of Yanjing Chinese Palace Classic Crafts


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