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Zigzag Cinnabar Nine Eyes Old Dzi Beads Tibetan Millennium Dzi Beads Pure

Regular price $4,200
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Kailash Energy

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This is a very high-grade zigzag cinnabar nine-eye old Dzi bead. It is made of the purest material and has been passed down for thousands of years. Nine-eyed Dzi Beads are regarded as the "King of Dzi Beads". In the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, the crown of the twelve-year-old life-size statue of Sakyamuni Buddha is inlaid with nine-eye dzi beads. This shows how precious the nine eyes are. The whole bead is coated with warm paste and is naturally corroded. The cinnabar is very eye-catching. , has great collection and wearing value.

As the best type of Dzi beads, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads have the functions and effects of all kinds of Dzi beads energy. Coupled with the effect of cinnabar, the whole is full of spirituality. It can help the wearer achieve his or her wishes and obtain the understanding of the Nine Vehicles of Buddhism. It can harmonize the power of the five elements, eliminate all evil spirits and bad luck, and perfectly unify the wearer with the environmental magnetic field. At the same time, it can improve the wearer's various magnetic fields, such as wisdom, career, fortune, love, family and wealth.

Zigzag Cinnabar Nine Eyes Old Dzi Beads Tibetan Millennium Dzi Beads Pure

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Vendor: Pure Tibetan

Product title: Zigzag Cinnabar Nine Eyes Old Dzi Beads Tibetan Millennium Dzi Beads Pure